Basic data and geographical location
The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a country located in Northern Europe. It is bordered by Germany, Belgium and the North Sea. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. The main spoken languages are Dutch and English. The main currency is euro. It is known that the Netherlands was one of the founders of the European Union in 1957. The first European newspaper was published there in 1618.The country is extremely densely populated – it’ territory is 41 543 and the population is nearly 17 million in 2020.
Another typical feature is that the territory of the Netherlands is located around or below the sea level. That’s why there is Low and High Netherlands. The Low covers a large part of the northern and western Netherlands and the High is a small area to the southeast. The highest point of this country is in the mountain Vaalserberg (321 m). The earth is priceless to the people because the territory is below the sea level. Due to this fact they have built many barriers to stop the water such as dikes, walls, drain channels. The water pumping was with the help of windmills and a system of channels. Therefore, the windmills are the country symbol nowadays. Few of them works but many are replaced with modern equipment.
The capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. It is one of the most cosmpolitan cities of the world because there live 187 nations from 200. It is also the largest city. It is followed by the futuristic Rotterdam, the administrative capital Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven. In the most cities names, there is the word “dam” such as Amsterdam – the dam of the river Amstel, Rotterdam – the dam of the river Rotte.Tulips, windmills and lots of water come to the mind of everyone who hears the Netherlands. But this incredibly ordered country is much more than that. Despite having small territory, it is one of the richest countries in the world. It is country, in which many people want to live because everything there is created for the convenience of people and there is easy to live. The Dutch people have everything despite the small territory – they can play sports, develop agriculture, live, have fun.
Source: The Netherlands Map